Friday, October 31, 2008

Jude: The Enemy Described

We reached Part 3 of our 5 week study through Jude and looked at his description of the false teachers in verses 8-13.

Jude describes the actions of the enemy with three directional approaches:

I. Looking Inward into the Heart to Classify their Actions

A. They were immoral
B. They were insubordinate
C. They were irreverent

II. Looking Backward into History to Curse their Actions

A. Faithless Cain
B. Greedy Balaam
C. Prideful Korah

III. Looking Outward into Nature to Compare their Actions

A. Hidden reefs
B. Waterless clouds
C. Fruitless trees
D. Wild waves
E. Wandering stars


  1. Do you rely more on your dreams/instincts or on God’s Word?
  2. What are you involved in that is immoral, insubordinate or irreverent?
  3. Think of the life of Cain. Are you guilty of presenting an unsatisfactory offering?
  4. Think of Balaam. Do you manipulate God’s people for gain?
  5. Think of Korah. How has pride led you to resent God’s placement of you in ministry?
  6. Do you come to church to give/serve or to get/be served? Are you guilty of “shepherding yourself”?
  7. Are you all promise and no performance, pretending to be something that you’re not?
  8. What do your waves leave scattered on the shore?
  9. Are you trustworthy? Can people follow where you lead them?

    Listen to the sermon:

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