Friday, October 31, 2008

Jude: The Enemy Described

We reached Part 3 of our 5 week study through Jude and looked at his description of the false teachers in verses 8-13.

Jude describes the actions of the enemy with three directional approaches:

I. Looking Inward into the Heart to Classify their Actions

A. They were immoral
B. They were insubordinate
C. They were irreverent

II. Looking Backward into History to Curse their Actions

A. Faithless Cain
B. Greedy Balaam
C. Prideful Korah

III. Looking Outward into Nature to Compare their Actions

A. Hidden reefs
B. Waterless clouds
C. Fruitless trees
D. Wild waves
E. Wandering stars


  1. Do you rely more on your dreams/instincts or on God’s Word?
  2. What are you involved in that is immoral, insubordinate or irreverent?
  3. Think of the life of Cain. Are you guilty of presenting an unsatisfactory offering?
  4. Think of Balaam. Do you manipulate God’s people for gain?
  5. Think of Korah. How has pride led you to resent God’s placement of you in ministry?
  6. Do you come to church to give/serve or to get/be served? Are you guilty of “shepherding yourself”?
  7. Are you all promise and no performance, pretending to be something that you’re not?
  8. What do your waves leave scattered on the shore?
  9. Are you trustworthy? Can people follow where you lead them?

    Listen to the sermon:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jude: The Enemy Warned

We continued our 5 week study through the short but powerful letter from Jude and considered the warning from Jude in verses 5-7.

Jude gives us 3 reminders of God’s judgment & destruction toward those who pursue sin rather than obedience.

  1. The Jews of Israel v. 5
  2. The Angels of Heaven v.6
  3. The Gentiles of Sodom and Gomorrah v. 7


1.Don’t pass over these warnings too quickly. Most apostates were just like us once.
2.What sins in your life are contributing to your weak faith? (cf. Hebrews) Are you repenting of them?
3.How is pride polluting your faith?
4.How is lust luring you away from the Lord?
5.Are you aware of the responsibility you have to God & His Word that is increased by being recipients of sound teaching?

Listen to the sermon:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Letter of Jude: The Enemy Within

Tuesday night began our 5 week study through the short but powerful letter from Jude. Aaron began our time with a brief introduction and a look at the opening 4 verses of Jude's letter.

You can listen to the sermon below:

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The Letter of Jude: The Enemy Within

  1. The Humble Author of this Letter (Vs 1a)
  2. The Beloved Audience of this Letter (Vs 1b)
  3. The Gracious Greeting of this Letter (Vs 2)
  4. The Original Intent of this Letter (Vs 3a)
  5. The Necessary Appeal of this Letter (Vs 3b)
  6. The Urgent Context of this Letter (Vs 4)
    A. 3 dangerous descriptions of the false teachers
    1) Devious
    2) Destined
    3) Depraved
    B. 2 dark descriptions of their false teaching
    1) They abuse God’s grace
    2) They deny Christ’s rule

“Ungodly men are the great enemies of the faith of Christ and the peace of the church… This has been the plague of the church in all past ages, and I am afraid no age is, or will be, wholly free from such men and such practices as long as time shall last. Nothing cuts us off from the church but that which cuts us off from Christ; namely, reigning infidelity and ungodliness.”

-Matthew Henry

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Series: Jude

Jude sets out to write a letter to believers to promote their common salvation. Instead, he finds it necessary to write to them a warning - a warning to protect this salvation. What causes this concern? We'll find out over the next five weeks at 2.22. Join us on Tuesday nights at 6:30 for a meal and a study of the short epistle of Jude.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Lord, Change My Attitude About That Person” TOR16

“Lord, Change My Attitude About That Person” (Acts 9:10–19)
Prop: 3 regularly-repeated phases which call for Attitude Change

1. A difficult God given Directive (vv. 10–12)

2. A conflicting soul-born Dilemma (vv. 13–16)

A. Ananias expresses his fears over Saul (vv. 13–14)
B. The Lord authoritatively overrides Ananias’s fears (vv. 15–16)

3. A Spirit-born soft-hearted Decision (vv. 17 – 19)

A. Ananias obeyed functionally (v. 17a)
B. Ananias obeyed relationally (v. 17b.)

Take-Home Points:

  1. Being a Christian can make your life seem dangerous
  2. Being a Christian insists that you to love people you wouldn’t usually love
  3. Being a Christian means that circumstances don’t have to make sense for them to be God’s will
  4. Being a Christian comes down to being God’s instrument
  5. Being a Christian means to suffer is your privilege
  6. Being a Christian insists that you welcome all other Christians as family
  7. Being a Christian means you have a whole new outlook on life

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Saul: Conversion by Sovereign Grace

Saul: Conversion by Sovereign Grace
Acts 9:1-9
We view Saul’s conversion through 4 windows of Sovereign Grace

1.Total Depravity
(Acts 9:1-2, 13-14; 22:4-5, 19-20); 26:10-11; Gal. 1:13-14; Phil. 3:6; 1 Tim. 1:13, 15)

2.Unconditional Election
(Acts 9:3-4, 7, 15-16; 22:6, 9, 14; 26:13, Gal. 1:13-16; Phil. 3:8-9; 1 Tim. 1:12-13)

3.Irresistible Grace
(Acts 9:3-6; 22:6-8, 10, 14; 26:13-18; Gal. 1:12, 16; Phil. 3:9; 1 Tim. 1:13)

4.Perseverance of the Saints
(Acts 9:7-9, 11, 15-16, 19-22; 22:10, 15-21; 26:19-22, 24-25; Gal. 1:16-18; Phil. 1:8-15; 1 Tim. 1:18-20)

Take-Home Points

  1. The Doctrines of Grace contrary to their ivory tower stigma are pulsating with life
  2. These doctrines shout what’s obvious: God saved you – you did not save you
  3. Realize. Saul’s conversion is your conversion – his testimony is your testimony
  4. Taking a look at how abhorrent you once were toward God is a healthy exercise
  5. Grasping your total depravity unlocks the other Doctrines of Grace, and rightly applied should cause gratitude and worship
  6. By definition the doctrine of eternal security makes persevering automatic – “Once saved always saved” means “Once saved will persevere”
Listen to "Saul: Conversion by Sovereign Grace"