Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Hunter and the Quarry

"We are the hunters. They are the quarry. It is for men to strike out into the forest and look. It is for women to crack the twigs and stir the leaves so we know where to find them."

This was a quote read by C.J. Mahaney at the recent Na conference, from the book "Doing Things Right in Matters of the Heart" by John Ensor. This illustrative quote caught the attention of those of us in attendance, and has since become sort of an "inside joke" among us (look for t-shirts soon!).

Well, if you're interested in finding out more about this book, Tim Challies - THE "discerning reader" has done us a service by reviewing this book on his blog. You can read his full review here.

Now, it's not just guys who've been reading this book...the girls over at Girl Talk (Carolyn Mahaney & daughters) will be reading this book in their new & upcoming Book Club.

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