Wednesday, April 04, 2007

2.22 Week Links...

...but not WEAK links.

Because of RJ's crass but true comment Tuesday night about the blog needing updating, I'm going to attempt (I really am) to begin a new weekly feature, where I'll pass along helpful links from other blogs that I read during the week.
These will vary in topic - as you see below - to hopefully edify or humor you (or maybe both). If you find a good blog read during the week, send me a link and I may feature it on "2.22 Week Links".

So here you go...

~Justin Taylor has finished posting a 15 part Q & A with David Powlison on "The Lust of the Flesh". All 15 are here - but you'll have to start from the bottom and work your way up.

~Did you know that Desiring God has a new

~In light of all the talk about/against the Emergent Church, perhaps you're asking, "What should the church do in order to reach people in a postmodern culture?". Well, Phil Johnson is
glad you asked.

~Finally... having trouble reading the Puritans? Maybe
this will help.

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