Audio from the Church Emergentcy Conference should be available soon, I'll post links as it becomes available. Also, check out the Pulpit Live graphic in the sidebar for some current articles on the emergent church.And finally, did you attend the conference? If so, why don't you leave your remarks in the comments section...what did you learn & what were some of the highlights for you.As he promised, here is the outline & Scripture references of Pastor Lance's concluding message:The Church God Attends
Selected Scriptures
Within current church movements like the Emergent Church, the critical question could be asked, “What kind of church would God Himself actually attend today?” What would be the criteria that God would use to determine what local church, or movement of churches, to attend? In other words, how would the Lord Himself evaluate the current maze of ministry approaches within Protestant local churches in order to determine where He would attend and become involved? We are speaking somewhat tongue-in-cheek of course, for the question itself is somewhat humorous and provocative, but it does give us an opportunity to ask a question about current church philosophies of ministry and how Jesus would evaluate them. With so many different approaches on “how to do church,” as people often say, what is the proper criterion for choosing the right church or movement of churches to attend? How do you decide what church in which to become involved? How do you decide where to spend your time, effort, and energy? How do you decide these crucial matters? Well, in an age where many have been asking, “What would Jesus do?” I want to ask, “Where would Jesus attend church?” Here’s my answer:
1. Jesus attends the Churches who worship God in spirit and truth
· John 4:13-26
· Zechariah 7:4-14
2. Jesus attends Churches who Fear God and Esteem His Name
· Malachi 3:6-18
3. Jesus attends the Churches who Worship God by Faith
· Hebrews 11:6
4. Jesus attends the Churches who offer up their Worshipful Praise to His Name
· Hebrews 13:15
· Psalm 22:3, 22-23, 25
· Psalm 33:1
5. Jesus attends the Churches who Serve and Share with One Another
· Hebrews 13:16
6. Jesus attends Churches who Pursue God’s Will
· Hebrews 13:21
· Romans 12:2
7. Jesus attends Churches who lay their Lives down as Living Sacrifices
· Romans 12:1
8. Jesus attends Churches who Humbly and Fearfully revere God’s Word
· Isaiah 66:1-3
· Isaiah 48:17-19
· Jeremiah 6:16-19
· Jeremiah 8:4-9
· Nehemiah 8:1-3
9. Jesus attends Churches who acknowledge His rightful Headship
· Ephesians 5:22-30
· Matthew 18:15-20
10. Jesus attends Churches who make Him Preeminent
· Colossians 1:15-20
11. Jesus attends Churches who maintain Him as their First Love
· Revelation 2:2-5
12. Jesus attends Churches who are Faithful in Persecution
· Revelation 2:9-10
13. Jesus attends Churches who Stand Against False Teaching
· Revelation 2:14-16
· Revelation 2:19-23, 24-29
14. Jesus attends Churches who Continue in Good Works
· Revelation 3:1-3 (negative example)
· Revelation 3:8-12 (positive example)
15. Jesus attends Churches who Express their Utter Dependence upon Him
· Revelation 3:15-19
16. Jesus attends Churches who Cry out to Him for Help and Deliverance
· Psalm 17:1
· Psalm 55:1-2, 16-19, 22
· Psalm 142:5-7
· Psalm 130:1-2
17. Jesus attends Churches whose Pastors Faithfully Tend to the Flock
· Jeremiah 23:1-4
· Acts 28:28-32
18. Jesus attends Churches who offer up Sincere Testimonies and Prayers to God
· Psalm 66:16-20
· Psalm 5:1-3, 7, 12
19. Jesus attends Churches where Everyone’s Physical Needs are Being Met
· Acts 2:44-47
· Acts 4:32-37
· Acts 5:1-11
20. Jesus attends Churches whose Pattern most closely Follows the Early Church
· Acts 2:42-43
· James 1:22
21. Jesus attends Churches who Pursue Righteousness and who Seek the Comfort of the Lord
· Isaiah 51:1-8
22. Jesus attends Churches who flee from Sexuality Immorality
· Jeremiah 29:19-23
· 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
23. Jesus attends Churches who Refuse to Worship False Gods
· Daniel 3:8-30
· Daniel 6:10-28
24. Jesus attends Churches who are Committed to His Wisdom
· Proverbs 2:2
· Proverbs 8
· Colossians
25. Jesus attends Churches who are Faithful to Proclaim Him in their Witnessing/Mission
· Acts 16:11-15