We had a great time Monday night at the 222 Christmas Party. Many thanks to all who came and brought food & drinks (we even enjoyed a deep fried Turkey!). Pastor Jeff shared some devotional thoughts on the Christ of Christmas, we played a few games, and ended the night with a mean game of Dirty Santa.
Three books were the "hot items" of the night - Mahaney's "Humility", Packer's "Faithfulness and Holiness", and Piper's "Counted Righteous in Christ". All being "frozeN" before the game ended. Other coveted gifts were Naomi's shock pen, Elijah Park's poweder puff purse, a sponge Bob calender and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure DVD.
Thanks again, to all who were able to make it. If you missed it, check out the photos by clicking here. And, if you took some digital photos on your camera, email me and we'll try to get them posted as well.