Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Passion '06 - Reflections from Students

Four 222ers went to Nashville (Elise Suitt, Beth Riley, Jon Trawick and Peter Witkowski), along with Aaron & Anita Wilson, to attend the Passion '06 conference. We had a great time - despite lots of walking (really hard on a pregnant woman!), but it was enjoyable, none the less.

From Aaron's perspective, the most memorable times were hearing John Piper preach on the suffering of the Savior, and the suffering of the saints - then finding out just a few days later that Piper had just been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. It would be interesting to listen to his sermons again, now knowing of his diagnosis.

Here's a few other comments from those who went to the Passion '06 conference during the holiday break.

Peter Witkowski:
As the several people dancing and singing wildly indicated, Passion 06 at times seemed to resemble simply an emotional high tied to spiritual things. But the conference is more than exciting, energetic (or if you wish, alternative) worship styles. Passion 06 was a fresh reminder that we live for Christ and Christ alone. He should be the only passion in our lives. Often I find myself wanting to live for Christ and Peter or Christ and some worldly gain. I fully agreed with John Piper when he said that the hardest place to live, as a Christian, is middle class America. I gleaned the most meaningful instruction from this spiritual giant. His sermons detailing that God gained the most glory from Christ suffering on the cross and that we must follow our head and suffer that the gospel may go forth locally and abroad opened my eyes to my soul’s apathy. I know some look at Passion apprehensively because of the worship styles that characterize the conference. Regardless of your worship preferences, I would encourage all to attend Passion events or a similar conference. Worshiping God with over 18,000 fellow Christians, who affirm the essential doctrines of truth, was an unforgettable experience, giving one a small taste of what heaven will be like. Passion 06 faithfully fulfilled its mission of trying to set this generation on fire for Christ.

Elise Suitt:
My favorite part about Passion was the small group sessions! My leader was Fred Wyatt and he talked about several topics and one that I really enjoyed was our satisfaction in Christ. It really put into perspective where my satisfaction should always be and Who should it come from! I really learned a lot from all the topics, but this one was the one that really convicted me - that is, always being satisfied in Christ in every aspect of our life. I also enjoyed the worship time at the beginning of each main session and the concert with Chris Thomilin was amazing!

To see Beth Riley's photos from the Passion trip, click here. You'll have to "register" first in order to view the photos, but it's fast and free.

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