Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hear Jim Elliot Preach!

In conjunction with the movie "End of the Spear" coming out in theatres across the country, here's a few links to even further familiarize yourself with the five missionaries. These links include audio, video, interviews, blog sites, and more.

Click here for a link to the Plymouth Brethren site that contains several audio/video resources.

Also, a blog not exclusively devoted to the missionary martyr, but lately has generated lots of buzz - expecially about the casting of Chad Allen (a homosexual and outspoken gay advocate).

Click here to visit SharperIron.


tnfpb said...

Al Mohler has weighed in on this in more ways than one. Here is the link to the Larry King Interview he did where Chad Allen was one of the guest. I personally think Mr. Mohler represented the gospel well and was very gracious with his responses and comments. There have been other noteworthy discussions on this topic here.

tnfpb said...

Christianity Today interviews Steve Saint, Chad Allen, and Mart Green regarding them hiring Chad Allen to play Nate Saint in End of the Spear. I think the interview can stand on its own.
Thanks to Justing Taylor for the heads up on this.