Friday, January 20, 2006

Frogs and Stinks...

...rhymes with "Blogs and Links".

If you're like me (and I know I am!), you probably don't check the sidebar of this blog very often. That's quite a shame, because at times it is updated with new links. For example, Nate & Aimee Williams have entered the blogosphere, and have their new blog linked in the sidebar now under "Fellow 222er Blogs" (note the new sidebar category title). You can visit their blog at

Also, under the "Helpful Links" category, you'll find...well, helpful links to sites containing sermons, theology and other helpful tools as you pursue your walk with the Lord and knowledge of His Word. The intent is to constantly be adding beneficial sites to this category.

Allow me to highlight one site: This site was mentioned in a previous blog entry, but it warrants another plug. There is simply so much information, articles, sermons, etc. on this site that there is not enought room here to describe it all. Just visit the site and peruse the topical index menu on the left side of the page...topics including Abraham...Worship...Seeker Sensitive Movement...Sin and Temptation...Bad Theology...Atheism...Christianity 101...John Calvin...etc. You've got to check this site out!

As always, use discernment (Acts 17:11) when visiting other sites and reading/studying doctrinal issues. And know that all views and positions on any of these sites may not necessarily be held by the leadership of
The Bible Church of Little Rock.

Also, if you have a favorite site you visit often that's biblically sound and edifying, send me a link and I'll check it out and we'll possibly add it to our sidebar. For example, Gary Davison just recently sent me a link to a new blog started by the leaders involved in the "Together For The Gospel" conference (Al Mohler, CJ Mahaney, Ligon Duncan, etc), which looks like it will be interesting reading. So, enjoy the links, and send me a few of your own.


Anonymous said...

Hey Aaron! Our blog link is broken!

Aaron said...

Who is "anonymous" and what link is broken? Please email me at